Advocacy and Awareness-Raising

As the Foundation for Women’s Solidarity, we combat violence against women and the underlying gender inequality through women’s solidarity. We are in touch with the public, media, civil society organizations and public institutions with the purpose of bringing an end to the legitimacy of violence against women and mainstreaming gender equality.

We carry out advocacy activities through visits to institutions, public-civil society joint meetings and monitoring and evaluation reports, to ensure that the political will enacts and implements the relevant legislation, provides financing for services for women and the institutions involved in the mechanisms against violence against women fulfill their responsibilities.

In order to create awareness on gender inequality and the fight against violence against women, we organize workshops for the women who want to volunteer in the Foundation, for the students with whom we come together in high schools and universities, and for the women we meet during our activities in neighborhoods. We carry out activities in cooperation with women’s organizations working in the field of combating violence against women.

We organize trainings for the staff of the relevant units of public institutions and municipalities. We monitor the functioning of mechanisms for combating violence and the implementation of international conventions and accordingly we publish reports. In this way, we bring visibility to women’s experiences while fighting against violence and the challenges they run into in this process, and we advocate for the resolution of problems.